Istok in his MAN truck somewhere in Europe Transit Istok and his son Benjamin at his home in Slovenia Transit The cabin is his bedroom, living room and workplace. He connect with his friends through the crunchy two ways radio Transit Istok in his MAN truck in the morning somewhere in Austria Istok loading cargo in Rovijn in Croatia Istok in his MAN truck somewhere in Europe Some truckdrivers live on the road, having their entire life inside the truckcabin. But there are also those, which have a family waiting for them, somewhere in Europe, longing and wanting them to come home at the end of the week To be a truckdriver you need to enjoy your own company. For many days in a row, you are on the road by yourself and the only connection with friends and family are on the telephone or on a two ways radio. Istok and his wife Vlaska at his home in Slovenia Many of the truck drivers get stranded, and won´t be able to come home to their families and home countries for many months. Istok and his wife Vlaska at his home in Slovenia Istok loading cargo in Trieste, Italia. 0 Likes 0 Kommentarer Lämna ett svar Klicka här för att avbryta svarDin e-postadress kommer inte publiceras. Obligatoriska fält är märkta *KommentarNamn * E-post * Hemsida Spara mitt namn, min e-postadress och webbplats i denna webbläsare till nästa gång jag skriver en kommentar. Title